Other capabilities


van der Waals complexes

AutoMeKin includes an option to find van der Waals, vdW, complexes. In principle two related sampling options are available: association and vdW. While association runs a number of structure optimizations for randomly rotated fragments, vdW is a more powerful option representing a natural extension of our bbfs method to study vdW complexes. The input files for these two options slightly differ from those explained previously, as detailed below.


Here, a number of full optimizations are performed starting from random orientations of A and B. An example of such input file can be found in path_to_program/examples/assoc.dat. Two additional input files are also needed for this example, Bz.xyz and N2.xyz, which are also available in the same folder. The assoc.dat file contains the following data:

molecule  Bz-N2
fragmentA Bz
fragmentB N2

sampling association
rotate   com com 4 .0 1. 5
Nassoc   50

MAPEmax 0.0001
BAPEmax 0.5
eigLmax 0.05

This type of sampling only needs three sections: General, Method and Screening. Some further keyword value(s) pairs are needed for this sampling:

fragmentA value
[value is one string with no blank spaces; mandatory keyword ]
value is the name of fragment A (Bz in our case). A file with the Cartesian coordinates Bz.xyz must be present in wrkdir.

fragmentB value
[value is one string with no blank spaces; _mandatory keyword_ ]
value is the name of fragment B (N2 in our case). A file with the Cartesian coordinates N2.xyz must be present as well.

rotate values
[four values: first two can be strings or integers and last two are floats; default values: com com 4.0 1.5]
The first two values are the pivot positions of the random rotations: the center of mass (com) of fragment A and the center of mass of fragment B in our example; these pivots could be labels of atoms and therefore integers. The last two values are the distance, in Å, between both pivots and the minimum intermolecular distance between any two atoms of both fragments, respectively.

Nassoc value
[value is an integer; default value: 100 ]
value is the total number of intermolecular structures considered in the sampling. With this sampling, you cannot perform kinetics. However, you still need to provide the parameters for the screening.

To run the calculations, just type:

amk.sh assoc.dat

This job will submit value[Nassoc] independent optimizations to find the structures. After the jobs finished, the script will automatically remove duplicates and select the best association “complex”.

You cannot use amk_parallel.sh with this option, as this script is only employed to run MD simulations.

You can check the optimized structures in folder assoc_Bz_N2. The program will also select the “best” structure according to the minimum number of structural changes between the complex and the individual fragments and its energy. The structure selected will be called Bz-N2.xyz. For fragments containing metals, the selection is also based on the valence of the metal center. The file assoclist_sorted (in assoc_Bz_N2 folder) collects a summary of the structures and their energies, as well as the MOPAC2016 output files of each of them, which are called assocN.out , where N is a number from 1 to value[Nassoc].


For this option, the first part is common to association, and the program runs value[Nassoc] independent optimizations to get an initial structure of the complex. From that point onwards, the program performs BXDE simulations to find TSs and intermediates for the system. Here is the inputfile vdW.dat that you can find in the examples folder:

molecule  Bz-N2
fragmentA Bz
fragmentB N2

sampling vdW
rotate   com com 4.0 1.5
Nassoc   10
ntraj    1
fs       500

MAPEmax 0.0001
BAPEmax 0.5
eigLmax 0.01

Energy 150

As with other MD-based sampling methods, amk_parallel.sh can be employed here as well.

Scanning dihedral angles

Dihedral angles can be scanned using script tors.sh. You will need the inputfile and the XYZ file in your wrkdir and just type:

tors.sh inputfile file

The first argument is the name of the inputfile and the second one can be: all, the default, or file. Using all, all the rotatable angles are scanned, while if you use file, the four indices that specify the dihedrals you want to scan must be present in file dihedrals.

The dihedrals will be scanned and the highest point, or points, along the scan, or scans, will be subjected to TS optimizations.

In general, dihedral scans are automatically performed in all parallel calculations, except with vdW and assoc samplings. For big and/or highly flexible molecules these automated scans can be very CPU intensive, and they can be avoided adding the keyword torsion with the value no to your Method section like in the next example:

sampling MD
ntraj    10
torsion  no

The default value for torsion is yes.


The fragmentation patterns and breakdown curves can be modelled using the script amk_frag.sh. This script provides a workflow to iteratively discover fragmentation pathways not only the parent molecule but also for the fragments resulting from the primary fragmentation. Usage:

nohup amk_frag.sh > amk_frag.log 2>&1 &

The inputfile must have an additional section called “Fragmentation”, as in this example:

minsize 4
systems 1
CH3O+   3

The new keywords are explained below.

minsize value
[value is an integer; default value: 4 ]
value is the minimum number of atoms for a fragment to be considered in secondary fragmentations.

systems value
[value is an integer; default value: 0]
value (or ns) is the number of additional fragments, or systems, to be considered in secondary fragmentations, besides those obtained in the fragmentation of the parent molecule. These could be fragments with other spin state, or fragments that are obtained through a barrierless process.

This line must be followed by ns lines with two columns each one: the formula of each system, sys, and its multiplicity, mult. Note that for the formula the chemical symbols of the atoms must sorted following AutoMeKin’s convention: alphabetic order:

systems ns
sys(1) mult(1)
sys(2) mult(2)
sys(ns) mult(ns)

In the example above, only fragments with number of atoms greater than or equal to 4 are further fragmented and an additional system has been added: CH3O+ in its triplet state.

This workflow creates a new folder: M3Cinp containing files that can be read by program M3C to simulate the breakdown curves of the studied system.

Advanced options

The following are keywords that can be useful for experienced users.


Here is a list of additional keywords that can be employed in the General section:

iop value
[value is one string with no blank spaces; no default value]
value is a gaussian IOp string or any other additional keyword you want to add.


HighLevel g16 mpwb95/6-31+G(d,p)
iop       iop(3/76=0560004400)

Care must be taken when LowLevel_TSopt, see below, is employed with iop, as this keyword will also be activated in LowLevel_TSopt calculations. If the iop is only desired for high-level gaussian calculations, then, the keyword should be removed while running the low-level computations.

LowLevel_TSopt values
[two values: two strings; no blank spaces in each string; default values: mopac value[LowLevel]]
First value is the program and second value is the electronic structure level employed to optimize the TSs at the low-level stage. This keyword is employed if you want to use g09/g16 for the low-level TS optimizations, as shown in the example below but take into account that it is very CPU-time consuming. Besides the TSs, the starting minimum in name.xyz is also optimized at this level of theory.


LowLevel_TSopt g09 hf/3-21g

recalc value
[one value: one integer; by default this keyword is not employed; only with mopac ]
If the last point of the IRC is an intermediate, MOPAC will try to optimize it.

For difficult cases, the user can employ this keyword like in this example:

recalc 10

which tells MOPAC to recalculate the Hessian every 10 steps in the EF optimization. For small values, the calculation is costly but is also very effective in terms of convergence.


Here is a list of additional keywords that can be employed in the Method section:

atoms value(s)
[one or two values: first is a string with no blank spaces or an integer and second, if present, is a string with no blank spaces; only with MD ; default value: all]
The first value can be all, in which case no other values are needed, or the number of atoms initially excited followed by a second value, a string, which is the list of atoms separated by commas, without blank spaces. It is analogous to modes, explained below.

This is an example where atoms 1, 2 and 3 are initially excited:

atoms 3 1,2,3

etraj value
[value is an integer or string with no blank spaces; only with MD-micro ; no default]
If an integer, value is the energy, in kcal/mol, of the MD-micro simulations.

If value is a range as in the example below, the energy is randomly selected in the given energy range:

etraj 200-300

If etraj is not specified, the program automatically employs the following range of energies: $\scriptstyle{16.25(s−1)−46.25(s−1)}$ kcal/mol, where $\scriptstyle{s}$ is the number of vibrational degrees of freedom of the system. The values $\scriptstyle{16.25}$ and $\scriptstyle{46.25}$ have been determined from the formic acid results and making use of RRK theory. The program automatically adjusts the range to obtain at least 60% reactivity at the boundaries.

factorflipv value
[value is a float; only with MD and MD-micro ; no default]
Using the default options, trajectories are halted when the simulation time reaches the value[fs], see below, or when there an interatomic distance, $\scriptstyle{r_{ij}}$, reaches 5 times its initial value $\scriptstyle{r_{ij}^0}$, which is regarded as a fragmentation.

Using factorflipv, fragmentation can be prevented because the atomic velocities change their sign: whenever the following relationship is fulfilled: $\scriptstyle{r_{ij}>=\mathrm{FP}\times r_{ij}^0}$, where $\scriptstyle{\mathrm{FP}}$ is value[factorflipv]. We recommend this value to be in the range 3.0-5.0.

fs value
[value is an integer; default value: 500 for MD and MD-micro and 5000 for BXDE]
value is the simulation time in fs in MD, MD-micro and BXDE samplings. Notice that this is the maximum simulation time, because when any interatomic distance reaches 5 times its initial value, the simulation stops.

To run 2 ps trajectories the following should be employed:

fs 2000

modes value(s)
[one or two values: first is a string with no blank spaces or an integer and second, if present, is a string with no blank spaces; only with MD-micro ; default value: all]
The first value can be all, in which case no other values are needed, or the number of modes initially excited followed by a second value, string, which is the list of modes separated by commas and without blank spaces. It is analogous to atoms, explained above.

multiple_minima value
[value is one string: yes or no; default value: yes]
value can be yes, in which case the exploratory simulations start from multiple minima, or no, where the all the MD simulations start from the input initial structure.

post_proc value(s)
[from one to three values: first value is a string: bbfs, bots or no; the second and third are integers or floats; default values: bbfs 20 1 for all samplings except association where the default value is no]
The first value is the post-processing algorithm employed to detect reaction events and it can be bbfs, the default, bots or no, if no algorithm is applied; this makes only sense for the purpose of testing the MD module. For bbfs two more values can follow: the time window in fs employed by bbfs and the number of guess structures selected per candidate. Possible choices for this last number can be 1 or 3.


post_proc bbfs 20 1

If bots, for bond order time series, is employed, only with BXDE, vdW and external, the algorithm developed by Hutchings et al. is employed. In this case the two additional values are the cutoff frequency (in cm−1) for the low-pass filter used to smooth bond order time series, and the number of standard deviations considered to identify peaks associated with reactive events. The default values for this algorithm are:

post_proc bots 200 2.5

temp value
[value is an integer or string with no blank spaces; only with MD and BXDE ; no default]
If an integer, value is the temperature, in K, of the MD or BXDE simulations. If a range, only valid for MD, the temperature is randomly selected in the given range. In the absence of the temp keyword, the program automatically defines the following range of temperatures: $\scriptstyle{5452(s−1)/n−15517(s−1)/n}$ K, which has been optimized for formic acid and $\scriptstyle{n}$ being the number of atoms. However, as for etraj, the boundaries are adjusted on the fly to obtain a minimum reactivity of 60%. For BXDE, temp has only one value and 1000 K is the default).

thmass value
[value is an integer; only with MD ; default value: 0]
value is the required minimum mass in a.u. of an atom to be initially excited.

Use_LET value
[value is one string: yes or no; only with mopac ; default value: no for all samplings except ChemKnow]
If value is yes, then mopac TS optimizations that fail throwing the error: “NUMERICAL PROBLEMS BRACKETING LAMDA” are rerun using LET keyword, which allows more of the potential energy surface to be sampled:. To help the user judge whether to use this keyword, the results of the optimizations using LET are collected in the file stats_let located in tsdirLL_molecule. This file contains several lines, one per iteration, with two numbers: the first is the number of optimized TSs, and the second is the number of total attempts using LET.


Here is a list of additional keywords that can be employed in the Screening section:

tight_ts value
[value is one string: yes or no; default value: yes]
value can be yes, in which case only first order saddles are considered, or no if we want to keep also higher order saddles.


Here is a list of additional keywords that can be employed in the Kinetics section:

imin value
[value is an integer or the string min0; default value: min0]
value is the starting minimum for the KMC simulations. value can be an integer, which identifies the desired structure or min0, which refers to the input structure. All the minima are listed in MINinfo file and the user must examine RXNet.cg file to check that the minimum is indeed connected with the other ones.

nmol value
[value is an integer; default value: 1000 ]
value is the number of molecules for the KMC simulations.

Stepsize value
[value is an integer; default value: 10 ]
value is the number of reactions that have to take place before printing the population in the KMC runs.

MaxEn value
[value is an integer; default value: 100 for thermal kinetics or 3/2 the value of Energy for microcanonical kinetics]
value is the maximum allowed energy, in kcal/mol and relative to the input structure, for a TS to be included in the reaction network.

ImpPaths value
[value is a float; default value: 0 ]
value is the minimum percentage of processes occurring through a particular pathway that has to be achieved in order to be considered relevant and finally included in RXNet.rel. The default value means that pathways which are overcome at least once by the KMC simulations are included in these files. To reduce to number of channels printed in RXNet.rel you can increase the default value. Notice that these pathways may refer to the “coarse-grained” mechanism or to the complete mechanism that includes conformational isomers, obtained by using the allstates option as described above. For practical reasons, a maximum of 100 TSs will be printed in RXNet.rel. If this maximum value is reached (which can be checked in RXNet.rel), it means that part of the channels are missing in these files.

Biased dynamics

AutoMeKin includes several methods to bias the dynamics towards specific reaction pathways. So far, these are the available options, only for MD and MD-micro:

  • The first option uses the AXD algorithm, with which selected bond lengths are not allowed to stretch more than 5 0% with respect to their initial values. This can be useful to prevent the breakage of certain bonds. This option can be invoked using the following “ keyword value pair:

nbondsfrozen value
[value is an integer; default value: 0 ]
where value, or nfr, is the number of constrained bonds.

The line containing the bondsfrozen nfr pair must be followed by nfr lines, each one with two values:
fr_i(k) fr_j(k)
which are integers indicating the indexes of the atoms that form each constrained bond, as in the following example:

nbondsfrozen 2
1 13
2 8

This would “freeze” two bond distances connecting atoms 1 and 13 and 2 and 8 , respectively. This keyword has not been tested thoroughly and the more robust Hookean keyword, see above, is suggested.

  • The second algorithm biases the dynamics towards a particular reaction channel. An example of this option is provided in file path_to_program/examples/FA_biasH2.dat; you also need FA.xyz, which illustrates a way to search for H2 elimination transition states from formic acid. For this we use two sets of keywords to apply constant external forces to break or form bonds. For bond breakage we use the following:

nbondsbreak value
[value is an integer; default value: 0 ]
where value, or nbr, is the number of bonds we want to break.

The line containing this keyword value pair must be followed by nbr lines, each one with three values (br_i(1,...,nbr) br_j(1,...,nbr) force(1,...,nbr)
of which the first two are integers and the last a float. These three numbers indicate the indexes of the atoms that form each bond we want to break, and the magnitude of the applied external force in kcal/mol/Å, respectively.

For bond formation we use the analogous keyword nbondsform as in this example (taken from FA_biasH2.dat):

nbondsform 1
4 5 30
nbondsbreak 2
3 5 80
1 4 80

A similar test can be performed on the same molecule to get the TS for H2O elimination. The corresponding input file, FA_biasH2O.dat, is also available in directory path_to_program/examples. Additionally, a retro Diels-Alder reaction has also been tested: cyclohexene$\scriptstyle{\rightarrow}$ethylene+1,3-butadiene, using the input files rdiels_bias.dat and rdiels.xyz provided in the amk distribution.

The above examples can be tested using the amk.sh script:

amk.sh inputfile