Usage of scripts

AutoMeKin provides a collection of Bash and Python scripts to help you automate all the tasks involved in reaction discovery. This section shows how to use these scripts.


Everything in a single script

After gaining familiarity with the code, you have the option to retrieve everything in a single execution as indicated here. Nevertheless, it is recommended that users follow the step-by-step procedures outlined below to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the code.

Step-by-step low-level calculations

This section explains how to run one iteration of our workflow. This might be useful for getting acquainted with the program and didactic purposes, but the recommended option for production runs is to use the iterative and scripts explained above.

To run AutoMeKin in a single processor use script with the name of the input file as argument: FA.dat > amk.log &

The ouput file amk.log provides information about the calculations. In addition, a directory called tsdirLL_FA is created, which contains information that may be useful for checking purposes. We notice that the program creates a symbolic link to the FA.dat file, named amk.dat, which is used internally by several amk scripts. At any time, you can check the transition states that have been found using:

The output of this script will be something like this:

ts # File name w_imag  Energy  w1  w2   w3   w4 traj #  Folder
1    ts1_wrkdir 1588i -35.7105 206 438  461  727     1  wrkdir
2    ts2_wrkdir  458i -78.1007 573 846 1034 1195     3  wrkdir
3    ts3_wrkdir 2010i -17.6124 327 473  523 1078     2  wrkdir

where the first column is the label of each TS, the second is the filename of the optimized TS structure, located in the tsdirLL_FA directory, the third is the imaginary frequency in cm-1, the fourth one is the absolute energy of the TS, in kcal/mol for MOPAC2016 and Hartrees for qcore and gaussian, and the next four numbers are the four lowest vibrational frequencies (in cm−1). Finally, the last two columns are the trajectory number and the name of the folder where the structure was obtained.

Since the dynamics employ random number seeds, the above results may differ for this type of calculations although using a sufficiently large number of trajectories, the important TSs should appear in all runs.

As already mentioned, the output files of the optimized TSs are stored in tsdirLL_FA. You can use a visualization program, e.g., molden, to analyze your results:

molden tsdirLL_FA/ts1_FA.molden

You can also watch the animation of trajectories, which are stored in the coordir folder inside wrkdir:

molden coordir/

Notice that the coordir folder is temporary. It is removed during the execution of a subsequent script.

If you have access to several processors and want to run the dynamics in parallel, you can use the script, which is executed interactively. For instance, to submit 50 trajectories split in 5 different tasks, 10 trajectories each, you should use: FA.dat 5

This will create temporary directories batch1, batch2, batch3, batch4 and batch5 that will be removed when the IRCs are calculated. Each of these folders includes a coordir directory, which contains the individual trajectories. The TSs found in each individual task will be copied in the same folder, tsdirLL_FA, and, as indicated above, using the script you can monitor the progress of the calculations. Notice that the total number of trajectories is given by value[ntraj] multiplied by the number of tasks. We recommend running the script interactively only for checking purposes, and particularly to carry out the screening. To run many trajectories for production, we recommend using the script.

If the Slurm Workload Manager is installed on your computer, you can submit the jobs to Slurm using:

sbatch [ options ] FA.dat ntasks

where ntasks is the number of tasks. If no options are specified, sbatch employs the following default values:

#SBATCH --output=amk_parallel-%j.log
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
#SBATCH -c 1 --mem-per-cpu=2048
#SBATCH -n 8

These values can be changed when you submit the job with options.

If you use Slurm Workload Manage for the script, you will have to wait until all tasks are completed before going on.

The amk package includes the script, which performs intrinsic reaction coordinate calculations for all the located TSs. This script also allows one to perform an initial screening of the TS structures before running the IRC calculations: screening

This will do the screening and stop. The process involves the use of tools from Spectral Graph Theory and utilizes value[MAPEmax], value[BAPEmax] and value[eigLmax]. The redundant and fragmented structures are printed on screen as well as in the file screening.log which is located in tsdirLL_FA. MOPAC2016 ouput files are also gathered in tsdirLL_FA, and use filenames initiated by “REPEAT” and “DISCNT”, which refer to repeated and disconnected,i.e., fragmented structures, respectively. Please check these structures and, if needed, change the above parameters. Should you change some of the above parameters (value[MAPEmax],value[BAPEmax],value[eigLmax]), you need to redo the screening with the new parameters:

You can repeat the above process until you are happy with the screening.

Once you are confident with the threshold values, you can submit many trajectories to carry out a thorough exploration of the potential energy surface. Subsequently, you can proceed with the IRC calculations.

Obtaining the IRCs:

(sbatch [ options ])

Optimizing the minima:

(sbatch [ options ])

Building the reaction network:

Once you have created the reaction network, you can grow your TS list by running more trajectories (with or Now the trajectories will start from the newly generated minima as well as from the main structure, specified in the file. It is important to notice that, in general, trajectories run in separate batches, i.e., performed in several tasks, may be initialized from different minima and will have different energies. In this regard, the efficiency of the code may increase if the calculations are submitted using a large number for the ntasks parameter.

Convergence in the total number of TSs can be checked doing:

When you are happy with the obtained TSs or you achieve convergence, you can proceed with the next steps.

Running the kinetics at the conditions of interest:

Gathering all relevant information in folder FINAL_LL_FA:

This folder will gather all the relevant information data, which are described below.

Step-by-step high-level calculations

Although the recommended option for running the high-level calculations is to use, it is possible to perform the calculations step by step, as described next:

From your wrkdir (FA in the example), run the following scripts:

Optimizing the TSs:

(sbatch [ options ]) FA.dat

In this case, the default values for a job submitted to Slurm are:

#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
#SBATCH -n 4
#SBATCH --output=TS-%j.log
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH -c 12

Building the high-level reaction network, optimizing the minima and running the kinetics :

(sbatch [ options ])
(sbatch [ options ])

Remember that the use of Slurm involves checking that every script has finished before proceeding with the next one.

Optimizing the product fragments :

(sbatch [ options ])

The previous step is mandatory before proceeding gather all information in the final folder.

Gathering all relevant information in folder FINAL_HL_FA:

Notice that the high-level calculations also generate the directory tsdirHL_FA, whose structure is similar to tsdirLL_FA. Finally, remember that you can use the to calculate rate coefficients and product branching rations for an energy or temperature different from that specified in the kinetics section.

Aborting the calculations

If, for any reason, you want to kill the iterative calculations, execute the following script from the wrkdir:

This script kills the processes whose PID are specified in these hidden files: and We notice that, if G09/G16 jobs are killed, the read-write files (Gau-#####) generated in the Gaussian scratch directory are not removed. The user should do it manually.